2012-01-09 14:54 aarpon * [r1137] scripts/common.js: Fixed regression in scripts/common.js. 2012-01-10 10:04 aarpon * [r1138] scripts/common.js: Restored old common.js::confirmSubmit() functionality. 2012-01-10 12:16 aarpon * [r1139] inc/FileBrowser.inc.php, scripts/common.js: Fixed problem with updating file lists in Chrome. 2012-01-10 12:19 aarpon * [r1140] inc/System.inc.php, inc/Validator.inc.php: (1) Removed the restriction that the password cannot contain '?'. (2) Set HRM version to 2.1.2 since soon we should release another patch. 2012-01-11 14:42 aarpon * [r1141] estimate_snr_from_image.php, estimate_snr_from_image_beta.php, inc/FileBrowser.inc.php: Enforce IE7 emulation for the file browser. 2012-01-11 16:00 aarpon * [r1142] estimate_snr_from_image.php, estimate_snr_from_image_beta.php, header.inc.php, inc/FileBrowser.inc.php: Trying to force compatibility mode in IE9: new attempt. 2012-01-12 09:02 aarpon * [r1143] css/default_ie.css: Workaround for the calendar widget behind opened behind the stats canvas in IE. 2012-01-12 09:53 aarpon * [r1144] estimate_snr_from_image.php, estimate_snr_from_image_beta.php, scripts/common.js: Workaround for IE8 not showing the 'Processing file...' page while calculating the SNR. 2012-02-01 15:38 danielsevilla * [r1149] config/samples/hrm_client_config.inc.sample, css/default.css, file_management.php, inc/FileBrowser.inc.php, inc/Fileserver.inc.php, scripts/common.js: First changes toward an image importer/exporter from/to Omero. 2012-02-02 11:15 danielsevilla * [r1151] config/samples/hrm_client_config.inc.sample, css/default.css, file_management.php, inc/FileBrowser.inc.php, inc/Fileserver.inc.php, scripts/common.js: Revert trunk to revision 1148. 2012-02-08 15:21 aarpon * [r1152] scripts/settings.js, task_parameter.php: (1) Values from select objects is also saved in the session storage when calculators are called. (2) Fixed problem when coming back from the SNR estimator when the deconvolution algorithm in the PHP session was qmle. 2012-02-08 17:14 aarpon * [r1153] capturing_parameter.php, scripts/settings.js: Another horrible hack to work around an inexplicable IE8 behavior... 2012-02-09 09:42 aarpon * [r1154] css/default_ie.css, statistics.php: Added hack to differentiate between IE 8 and IE 9 in statistics.php (since IE 9 can render the calendar widget correctly and IE 8 cannot). 2012-02-09 10:15 aarpon * [r1155] scripts/hrm_job.tcl: Removed unused file scripts/hrm_job.tcl. 2012-02-09 11:36 danielsevilla * [r1156] inc/HuygensTemplate.inc.php: The SFP movie would not be created opposite to what was expected from the deconvolution jobs of time series. This was due to a condition never met. 2012-02-09 13:14 aarpon * [r1157] inc/Fileserver.inc.php: Added some additional controls on permission. 2012-02-09 16:08 aarpon * [r1158] inc/Fileserver.inc.php: Forced creation of the hrm_previews folder in the src folder (and subfolders) with 777 permissions.