2011-09-16 12:49 aarpon * [r998] inc/.htaccess, inc/Database.inc, inc/Fileserver.inc, inc/System.inc, inc/extern/.htaccess, inc/extern/calendar/.htaccess, inc/extern/calendar/images/Thumbs.db, inc/extern/index.php, setup/dbupdate.php: (1) Information about file format extensions is now taken from the database and no longer hard-coded in the FileServer class. (2) Added a new column 'ismultifile' in the 'file_format' table (database update to new revision 9 required). 2011-09-16 14:32 aarpon * [r999] aberration_correction.php, account.php, add_user_popup.php, calculate_bp_pinhole.php, calculate_pixel_size.php, capturing_parameter.php, create_job.php, estimate_snr_from_image.php, estimate_snr_from_image_beta.php, file_management.php, header.inc.php, home.php, image_format.php, inc/ActiveDirectory.inc, inc/ActiveDirectory.inc.php, inc/Database.inc, inc/Database.inc.php, inc/FileBrowser.inc, inc/FileBrowser.inc.php, inc/Fileserver.inc, inc/Fileserver.inc.php, inc/Job.inc, inc/Job.inc.php, inc/JobDescription.inc, inc/JobDescription.inc.php, inc/JobQueue.inc, inc/JobQueue.inc.php, inc/JobTranslation.inc, inc/JobTranslation.inc.php, inc/Ldap.inc, inc/Ldap.inc.php, inc/Mail.inc, inc/Mail.inc.php, inc/Parameter.inc, inc/Parameter.inc.php, inc/QueueManager.inc, inc/QueueManager.inc.php, inc/Setting.inc, inc/Setting.inc.php, inc/SettingEditor.inc, inc/SettingEditor.inc.php, inc/Shell.inc, inc/Shell.inc.php, inc/Stats.inc, inc/Stats.inc.php, inc/System.inc, inc/System.inc.php, inc/User.inc, inc/User.inc.php, inc/Util.inc, inc/Util.inc.php, inc/Validator.inc, inc/Validator.inc.php, inc/hrm_config.inc, inc/hrm_config.inc.php, inc/logos.inc, inc/logos2.inc, job_queue.php, login.php, microscope_parameter.php, phpinfo.php, registration.php, run/runHuygensRemoteManager.php, select_images.php, select_parameter_settings.php, select_psf.php, select_psf_popup.php, select_task_settings.php, setup/dbupdate.php, statistics.php, system.php, task_parameter.php, update.php, user_management.php: Renamed all .inc class files into .inc.php. 2011-09-16 15:09 aarpon * [r1000] login.php: Corrected text typo. 2011-09-19 15:36 aarpon * [r1001] setup/dbupdate.php: Added three more modifications to the database structure: (1) Corrected description of ics2 file format (fixed the extension); (2) Added Olympus OIF as input format; (3) Added Delta Vision (3rd) as output. There are still some issues with the generation of the names of the previews for Delta Vision result files. 2011-09-20 11:41 aarpon * [r1002] setup/dbupdate.php: Fixed a bug that would prevent the changes to the database to be performed. 2011-09-21 07:39 aarpon * [r1003] create_job.php, inc/Parameter.inc.php, setup/dbupdate.php, stylesheets/default.css: (1) Fixed problem with bad file names for previews if Delta Vision files are chosen as output. (2) Enforce ics as the default output file format in the database. (3) Fixed a bug that would make dbupdate.php show the "Successfully updated database to revision $n." only if $n==9. 2011-09-21 08:24 aarpon * [r1004] inc/Database.inc.php: Fixed bug 3412158. 2011-09-21 08:28 aarpon * [r1005] scripts/hucore.tcl: Suppressed some irrelevant output to log.txt. 2011-09-21 08:41 aarpon * [r1006] phpinfo.php, system.php: Added help page for the System Summary pages (system.php and phpinfo.php). 2011-09-22 12:21 aarpon * [r1007] stylesheets/Ubuntu Font License 1.0.txt, stylesheets/Ubuntu-B.ttf, stylesheets/Ubuntu-I.ttf, stylesheets/Ubuntu-R.ttf, stylesheets/Ubuntu-Regular-webfont.eot, stylesheets/Ubuntu-Regular-webfont.svg, stylesheets/Ubuntu-Regular-webfont.ttf, stylesheets/Ubuntu-Regular-webfont.woff, stylesheets/default.css: Better support for @font-faces. 2011-09-22 12:31 aarpon * [r1008] scripts/quickhelp/imageFormatHelp.js: Rewritten the 'image geometry quick help that was making users believe they could reshape the geometry of the loaded datasets. 2011-09-23 11:25 aarpon * [r1009] file_management.php, file_manager.php, home.php, images/deconvolved.png, images/filemanager_small.png, images/raw.png, inc/Fileserver.inc.php, scripts/quickhelp/fileManagerHelp.js, scripts/quickhelp/imageFormatHelp.js, stylesheets/default.css: Started redesign of the file manager. 2011-09-23 13:08 aarpon * [r1010] inc/Parameter.inc.php: Removed unused Parameter methods. 2011-09-23 13:39 danielsevilla * [r1011] scripts/hucore.tcl: One isolated 'REPORT' message produces a key with no value in the array retrieved by askHuCore. 2011-09-23 13:41 danielsevilla * [r1012] inc/QueueManager.inc.php: Removed the 'errorOcurred' variable which is nowhere used. 2011-09-23 15:23 danielsevilla * [r1013] inc/JobTranslation.inc.php: (1) Small adaptation to stick to the new "metadata" rules: everything typed by the user has preference over the metadata, without any further confidence level selection. (2) Code clean-up. (3) Notice that more work on this class is under way. 2011-09-26 12:29 aarpon * [r1014] image_format.php, images/reset.png, inc/Setting.inc.php, microscope_parameter.php, scripts/quickhelp/imageFormatHelp.js, stylesheets/default.css: Added mechanism to reset radio buttons (i.e. to unselect all with one click). 2011-09-27 16:06 danielsevilla * [r1015] add_user_popup.php: When the administrator adds a user the user gets an email with login information containing a random password. This password did not work due to a double md5 conversion. 2011-09-29 12:25 aarpon * [r1016] calculate_bp_pinhole.php, capturing_parameter.php, scripts/jquery-1.6.4.min.js, scripts/settings.js: (1) Added client-side mechanism to mimic cross-page posting (using session storage): forms remember their values when moving back and forth between pages without posting anything to the server. (2) Cleaned a bit the display of result of the pinhole calculator. 2011-09-30 12:11 aarpon * [r1017] scripts/settings.js, task_parameter.php: Added support for storing the values of radio buttons across pages without posting. 2011-09-30 14:27 aarpon * [r1018] aberration_correction.php, account.php, add_user_popup.php, calculate_bp_pinhole.php, calculate_pixel_size.php, capturing_parameter.php, create_job.php, file_management.php, file_manager.php, home.php, image_format.php, inc/FileBrowser.inc.php, inc/Fileserver.inc.php, inc/Setting.inc.php, login.php, microscope_parameter.php, phpinfo.php, registration.php, select_images.php, select_parameter_settings.php, select_psf.php, select_psf_popup.php, select_task_settings.php, statistics.php, stylesheets/default.css, system.php, task_parameter.php, update.php, user_management.php: Code and layout cleaning. 2011-09-30 15:09 aarpon * [r1019] inc/System.inc.php: Reverted some changes in System.inc.php that got lost when merging the 2.1 branch back to trunk. 2011-10-03 09:29 aarpon * [r1020] resources/hrmd.plist.sample: Added resources/hrmd.plist.sample (to replace hrmd.plist). 2011-10-03 09:32 aarpon * [r1021] ., resources/hrmd.plist: Removed hrmd.plist (replaced with hrmd.plist.sample in previous commit). 2011-10-04 13:23 aarpon * [r1022] inc/ActiveDirectory.inc.php, inc/extern/adLDAP, inc/extern/adLDAP4, inc/extern/adLDAP4/CHANGELOG.txt, inc/extern/adLDAP4/LICENCE.txt, inc/extern/adLDAP4/README.txt, inc/extern/adLDAP4/examples, inc/extern/adLDAP4/examples/authenticate.php, inc/extern/adLDAP4/examples/examples.php, inc/extern/adLDAP4/examples/groupCollection.php, inc/extern/adLDAP4/examples/menu.php, inc/extern/adLDAP4/examples/userCollection.php, inc/extern/adLDAP4/src, inc/extern/adLDAP4/src/adLDAP.php, inc/extern/adLDAP4/src/classes, inc/extern/adLDAP4/src/classes/adLDAPComputers.php, inc/extern/adLDAP4/src/classes/adLDAPContacts.php, inc/extern/adLDAP4/src/classes/adLDAPExchange.php, inc/extern/adLDAP4/src/classes/adLDAPFolders.php, inc/extern/adLDAP4/src/classes/adLDAPGroups.php, inc/extern/adLDAP4/src/classes/adLDAPUsers.php, inc/extern/adLDAP4/src/classes/adLDAPUtils.php, inc/extern/adLDAP4/src/collections, inc/extern/adLDAP4/src/collections/adLDAPCollection.php, inc/extern/adLDAP4/src/collections/adLDAPComputerCollection.php, inc/extern/adLDAP4/src/collections/adLDAPContactCollection.php, inc/extern/adLDAP4/src/collections/adLDAPGroupCollection.php, inc/extern/adLDAP4/src/collections/adLDAPUserCollection.php: Updated the adLDAP library to version 4.0.3. 2011-10-04 16:50 aarpon * [r1024] config/samples/ldap_config.inc.sample, inc/Ldap.inc.php: Extended and fixed LDAP support. Now user groups can be queried. 2011-10-04 19:14 aarpon * [r1025] inc/Ldap.inc.php: Ldap.inc.php does not use global variables any more. All options are obtained from the configuration file in the constructor and stored as class properties. 2011-10-04 19:14 aarpon * [r1026] inc/User.inc.php: Fixed a syntax error. 2011-10-05 15:32 aarpon * [r1027] aberration_correction.php, account.php, add_user_popup.php, calculate_bp_pinhole.php, calculate_pixel_size.php, create_job.php, estimate_snr_from_image.php, estimate_snr_from_image_beta.php, file_management.php, file_manager.php, footer.inc.php, header.inc.php, home.php, image_format.php, inc/Stats.inc.php, job_queue.php, login.php, microscope_parameter.php, phpinfo.php, registration.php, scripts/settings.js, select_images.php, select_parameter_settings.php, select_psf.php, select_psf_popup.php, select_task_settings.php, statistics.php, stylesheets/default.css, system.php, task_parameter.php, update.php, user_management.php: (1) Fixed issue with deleting settings (chrom{e|ium} behaves differently with POST variables than other browsers, and the old code was failing). (2) Fixed an issue with an empty string behind added to the group selector in the statistics page. (3) A lot of code cleaning in the views. 2011-10-06 12:55 aarpon * [r1028] stylesheets/default.css: Minor style change for the file manager. 2011-10-06 15:28 aarpon * [r1029] bin/hrmd: Added a simple check to bin/hrmd to prevent starting more than one instance of the queue manager. 2011-10-07 15:59 aarpon * [r1030] calculate_bp_pinhole.php, calculate_pixel_size.php, capturing_parameter.php, estimate_snr_from_image.php, estimate_snr_from_image_beta.php, scripts/settings.js, task_parameter.php: Implemented optional passing of estimated SNR values back to the calling page. There is still an issue in Chrom{e|ium} that draws the 'submit' input shifted with respect to the non-submit buttons (in contrast to all other browsers). 2011-10-10 09:46 aarpon * [r1031] estimate_snr_from_image.php, estimate_snr_from_image_beta.php: Fixed issue in Chrom{e|ium} still open after last commit. 2011-10-14 07:46 aarpon * [r1032] inc/Database.inc.php, inc/Parameter.inc.php, inc/Setting.inc.php, setup/dbupdate.php: Removed references to OverrideParamater(s). 2011-10-14 12:20 aarpon * [r1033] add_user_popup.php, css, css/default.css, file_management.php, header.inc.php, inc/Fileserver.inc.php, scripts/common.js, select_psf_popup.php, stylesheets: Some cleaning and layout fixing. 2011-10-14 15:18 aarpon * [r1034] scripts/common.js: Previews are displayed in a more elegant way now. Still to be fixed: when a preview is created, the result is dropped at the very top of the "rightpanel" div, which is very ugly. 2011-10-17 15:31 aarpon * [r1035] inc/Fileserver.inc.php: Better display of the preview at the end of generation. 2011-10-17 16:29 aarpon * [r1036] images/note.png, scripts/common.js: Added warning to the upload action in the file manager: the user should be careful when uploading ics files not to forget the ids (and vice versa). 2011-10-18 09:51 aarpon * [r1037] capturing_parameter.php, images/account.png, images/add.png, images/apply.png, images/arrow.png, images/back.png, images/calc.png, images/calc_small.png, images/cancel.png, images/cancel_help.png, images/cancel_small.png, images/clone.png, images/create.png, images/delete.png, images/download.png, images/download_s.png, images/edit.png, images/empty.png, images/filemanager.png, images/help.png, images/home.png, images/home_large.png, images/mark.png, images/next.png, images/parameters.png, images/previous.png, images/queue.png, images/queue_small.png, images/save.png, images/start.png, images/stats.png, images/system.png, images/tasks.png, images/update.png, images/updatedb.png, images/upload.png, images/upload_s.png, images/users.png, images/users_disabled.png, images/web.png, images/wiki.png: Replaced all icons with white background (needed for IE6) with same icons with transparent background. 2011-10-18 11:57 aarpon * [r1038] file_management.php, inc/System.inc.php, system.php, update.php: (1) Bug fix: HRM was ignoring whether file uploads were enabled or disabled in php.ini and only using the $allowHttpUpload variable in the configuration files (which is obviously subordinated to php.ini). (2) Added a one-lines in update.php to make it even clearer whether a database update is needed or not. 2011-10-18 12:58 aarpon * [r1039] css/default.css, file_management.php, inc/FileBrowser.inc.php, scripts/common.js: Cleaned up the styling of the action buttons in the file manager. 2011-10-18 15:08 aarpon * [r1040] css/default.css, home.php, images/back_small.png, job_queue.php: (1) Fixed the badly broken html code and restyled job_queue.php. (2) Added some layout changes. 2011-10-19 09:01 aarpon * [r1041] css/default.css, css/default_ie.css, header.inc.php, inc/Util.inc.php, statistics.php: Added workaround for the misbehavior of IE with background images in fieldsets: now a tailored css is used for IE. 2011-10-19 10:25 aarpon * [r1042] job_queue.php: Added small icons to the page titles. 2011-10-19 10:26 aarpon * [r1043] file_manager.php, home.php: Added small icons to the page titles (continued). 2011-10-20 13:33 aarpon * [r1044] setup/dbupdate.php: Made the dbupdate.php function return immediately if there is nothing to update. 2011-10-20 14:15 aarpon * [r1045] file_management.php, file_manager.php: Bug fix: hidden the link to the file manager home from the admin user, since he is only supposed to see the source folder. 2011-10-20 14:23 aarpon * [r1046] images/reset.png: Replaced the icon for resetting the radio buttons in fieldsets. 2011-10-20 15:14 danielsevilla * [r1047] inc/JobTranslation.inc.php: Updated the JobTranslation class to be compliant with the new approach for the parameter confidence levels. This way the users will be able to select individual parameters from the metadata. TODO: major clean-up. 2011-10-21 08:09 aarpon * [r1048] footer.inc.php: The validators now open on a separate page (tab). 2011-10-21 11:18 aarpon * [r1049] image_format.php, images/reset.png, microscope_parameter.php: (1) The little icon to reset radio buttons is now only shown for parameters whose value can be omitted. (2) The icon itself was replaced with another one which should be more self-explanatory. 2011-10-21 12:06 aarpon * [r1050] images/edit.png: Replaced icon for 'editing' templates. 2011-10-21 12:19 aarpon * [r1051] footer.inc.php, login.php: Fixed some html mistakes. 2011-10-21 12:59 aarpon * [r1052] create_job.php, file_manager.php, select_images.php, select_parameter_settings.php, select_task_settings.php: The file manager now keeps track of who the referer is in order to allow intelligent returning to some selected pages. 2011-10-21 14:50 aarpon * [r1053] css/default.css, css/default_ie.css, home.php, inc/Fileserver.inc.php, login.php, update.php: (1) If the database is not up-to-date, the admin is directed directly to the database update page (bypassing home) at login. (2) Minor layout and content fixes. 2011-10-21 15:03 aarpon * [r1054] login.php: Extended link to Montpellier Rio Imaging also to the text on login page. 2011-10-21 16:32 aarpon * [r1055] css/default.css, css/default_ie.css: Minor style change. 2011-10-24 08:51 aarpon * [r1056] images/edit.png: Replaced edit.png. 2011-10-24 11:24 aarpon * [r1057] inc/Fileserver.inc.php: Fixed bug 3419516: "error messages in filemanager are (almost) invisible". 2011-10-25 07:36 aarpon * [r1058] css/default_ie.css: Some more css cleaning for IE. 2011-10-25 08:38 aarpon * [r1059] home.php: Changed the way to check whether the home page was visited for the first time after login. 2011-10-28 14:50 danielsevilla * [r1060] inc/HuygensTemplate.inc.php, inc/Job.inc.php, inc/JobTranslation.inc.php: Renamed the JobTranslation class. Cleaned up a large part of its code (to be continued). 2011-10-31 15:44 danielsevilla * [r1061] inc/HuygensTemplate.inc.php: More clean up and removed unnecessary code (to be continued). 2011-10-31 16:16 danielsevilla * [r1062] inc/HuygensTemplate.inc.php: Fixed a few warnings. 2011-11-01 16:33 danielsevilla * [r1063] inc/HuygensTemplate.inc.php: More clean up and work done to foster the scalability of this class for when more parameters have to be added in the future. (Almost done). 2011-11-02 14:53 danielsevilla * [r1064] inc/HuygensTemplate.inc.php: (1) Added missing function headers. (2) More clean up. (3) Testing can be started. 2011-11-03 14:02 aarpon * [r1069] home.php: Changed home page link 'Manual' to 'User manual'. 2011-11-03 14:30 aarpon * [r1070] inc/Fileserver.inc.php: Added a commodity method in the FileServer class to get all valid image file extensions. 2011-11-03 14:36 aarpon * [r1071] images/mark.png: Replaced the icon for the setting the default parameter sets. 2011-11-08 08:51 danielsevilla * [r1072] inc/HuygensTemplate.inc.php: Removed unused code: propertie 'HuImageFormat' is no longer necessary. 2011-11-08 10:20 aarpon * [r1073] inc/Fileserver.inc.php, inc/Parameter.inc.php: Removed unused methods Parameter::interpretedHuCoreConfidenceLevel() and Fileserver::allFileExtensions(). 2011-11-09 17:22 danielsevilla * [r1074] inc/QueueManager.inc.php: Remove the parameter summary table from the log file. 2011-11-10 09:16 danielsevilla * [r1075] inc/Job.inc.php: (1) Added headers to the class property declarations. (2) Removed old code. 2011-11-10 10:33 danielsevilla * [r1076] inc/Shell.inc.php: Added two simple functions to remove and rename files: this is better handle in the 'ExternalProcess' class, as it can also work in multiserver configurations. 2011-11-10 10:45 danielsevilla * [r1077] inc/Shell.inc.php: One function implementation too many. 2011-11-10 16:42 danielsevilla * [r1078] css/default.css, inc/Job.inc.php: Formatted the parameter summary in an html coloured table. Added the corresponding css tags. (to be continued). 2011-11-11 12:13 aarpon * [r1079] css/default.css, css/default_ie.css, select_task_settings.php: Changed the color for favorite parameter sets to red. 2011-11-11 16:02 aarpon * [r1080] create_job.php, css/default.css, css/default_ie.css, home.php: Added notification to the homepage to inform the user when jobs were just created. 2011-11-14 11:36 aarpon * [r1081] css/default.css, css/default_ie.css: Fixed a typo. 2011-11-14 12:45 aarpon * [r1082] css/default.css, css/default_ie.css: Fixed a layout glitch. 2011-11-16 09:44 danielsevilla * [r1083] css/default.css, css/default_ie.css, inc/Job.inc.php, inc/QueueManager.inc.php: (1) Finished CSS changes. (2) Added CSS changes to IE. (3) More work on file parsing and html rendering (not yet finished). (4) Removed the call to 'gatherParameters' (temporarily maybe). 2011-11-16 15:33 danielsevilla * [r1084] inc/Job.inc.php, inc/Shell.inc.php: Removed functions for reading and copying files from/to another machine. Added these functions to the Shell class. 2011-11-16 17:09 danielsevilla * [r1085] inc/Job.inc.php: Finished html rendering and clean-up work in the Job class. 2011-11-21 10:27 danielsevilla * [r1086] inc/HuygensTemplate.inc.php: Add the pinhole spacing to the Huygens template only if the microscope is a spinning disc type. 2011-11-23 08:46 aarpon * [r1087] css/default.css, css/default_ie.css: Changed color for the new job indication in the home page. 2011-11-23 08:47 aarpon * [r1088] file_management.php: Bug fix in file_management.php: when the page is called up from the email link $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] is not set. 2011-11-23 08:50 aarpon * [r1089] inc/QueueManager.inc.php, inc/hrm_config.inc.php: Refactoring of QueueManager.inc.php. 2011-11-23 10:43 aarpon * [r1090] inc/QueueManager.inc.php: Added a QueueManager method to create a text version of the HTML parameter table for the email. 2011-11-23 12:44 aarpon * [r1091] inc/QueueManager.inc.php: Added a string replacement in QueueManager::htmlTable2Txt() to remove some html stuff. 2011-11-23 16:59 aarpon * [r1092] inc/System.inc.php: Bug fix: missing default input parameter in System::uploadMaxFileSize(). 2011-11-23 19:44 aarpon * [r1093] css/default.css, css/default_ie.css, home.php: Turned the indication of jobs added into a link with the standard css. 2011-11-24 08:52 aarpon * [r1094] inc/QueueManager.inc.php: Bug fix in QueueManager.inc.php::notifyError(). 2011-11-28 08:38 aarpon * [r1095] estimate_snr_from_image_beta.php: Bug fix: wrong "try again" link in the beta estimator that would lead to the default estimator. 2011-11-28 08:56 aarpon * [r1096] inc/QueueManager.inc.php: Refactored QueueManager::notifyError() to include the user-defined parameters only. 2011-11-28 09:36 aarpon * [r1097] inc/FileBrowser.inc.php, inc/Job.inc.php, inc/JobQueue.inc.php, inc/Setting.inc.php, inc/SettingEditor.inc.php, inc/Shell.inc.php, inc/User.inc.php, inc/Util.inc.php: Code cleanup. 2011-11-28 09:52 aarpon * [r1098] inc/QueueManager.inc.php: The list of parameters is now output first in the error email message, followed by template and log. 2011-11-28 10:02 aarpon * [r1099] phpinfo.php, system.php: Some layout improvements. 2011-11-28 15:02 aarpon * [r1100] capturing_parameter.php, css/default.css, css/default_ie.css, microscope_parameter.php, task_parameter.php: Fix for Chrom{e|ium} not wrapping in fieldsets. 2011-11-28 16:38 aarpon * [r1101] create_job.php, inc/Database.inc.php, inc/Parameter.inc.php, inc/QueueManager.inc.php, inc/Setting.inc.php, inc/SettingEditor.inc.php, inc/User.inc.php: Code cleaning. 2011-11-29 10:51 aarpon * [r1102] setup/dbupdate.php: Made setup/dbupdate.php more robust against mistakes if more databases with the same structure are present. 2011-11-29 13:34 aarpon * [r1103] file_manager.php, scripts/quickhelp/fileManagerHelp.js: Slightly modified the text under the big file manager icons to indicate that one can up/download images besides viewing and managing them. 2011-11-29 14:26 aarpon * [r1104] home.php: Bug fix: clicking to the File Manager icon still led to the deconvolved data view instead of to the file manager home. 2011-11-29 15:00 aarpon * [r1105] login.php: Bug fix: redirection to results (file manager) after login was broken. 2011-11-29 15:21 aarpon * [r1106] system.php: Added minimum required HuCore version in the System page. 2011-11-29 19:51 aarpon * [r1107] resources/checkConfig.php: Updated resources/checkConfig.php for version 2.1. 2011-11-30 14:49 danielsevilla * [r1108] inc/HuygensTemplate.inc.php: Adapted the template renderer (HuygensTemplate.inc.php) so that parameters that don't exist yet in HRM, such as Objective Quality, can be imported from the file metadata. 2011-11-30 15:50 aarpon * [r1109] inc/System.inc.php, login.php: Set minimum required HuCore version to 4.1.0-p2. 2011-11-30 17:22 danielsevilla * [r1110] inc/HuygensTemplate.inc.php: Do not add the pinhole radius to the Huygens template when working with widefield microscopes. 2011-12-01 08:44 aarpon * [r1111] inc/Database.inc.php, inc/Stats.inc.php: Bug fixes. 2011-12-01 09:13 aarpon * [r1112] inc/SettingEditor.inc.php: Added a simple mechanism to rename template parameters that have the same name as existing user parameters. 2011-12-01 11:14 aarpon * [r1113] statistics.php: Bug fix in the year range for statistics filtering. 2011-12-01 11:28 aarpon * [r1114] select_parameter_settings.php, select_task_settings.php: Fixed inconsistent nomenclature. 2011-12-01 17:21 danielsevilla * [r1115] inc/HuygensTemplate.inc.php: The image was opened once per preview task in order to write the Huygens template. This was completely unnecessary. This action has been moved to the class initialization, so it will only happen once per deconvolution job. 2011-12-02 13:16 aarpon * [r1116] capturing_parameter.php: Swapped legend and name line for the backprojected pinhole radius in capturing_parameter.php. Users were confused which pinhole radius was to be put in the field. 2011-12-02 14:18 danielsevilla * [r1117] inc/HuygensTemplate.inc.php: Added contraints to maxMovieSize = 0 and maxComparisonSize = 0. In these cases no movies and/or Z,T slicers should be created at the end of the job. 2011-12-02 16:26 danielsevilla * [r1118] css/default.css, css/default_ie.css, inc/Job.inc.php: Added message to the parameters summary page to warn the user that the selected microscope type is different from the type stored in the file metadata. 2011-12-02 16:44 danielsevilla * [r1119] css/default.css, css/default_ie.css, inc/Job.inc.php: Fixed a few formatting issues on the warning message. 2011-12-05 10:32 aarpon * [r1120] file_management.php, inc/FileBrowser.inc.php, inc/Fileserver.inc.php, select_images.php: Fixed a bug with the file manager showing only files of the selected file format after step 3 of the image parameters was reached and all of them before. The fix leaves an open issue: if one goes to the file manager from step 4 of job creation, then come back to step 4 and go back to step 3 (select images), the images are gone from the list of added files and one must add them again before being able to go to step 4 and launch the job. This should be addressed. 2011-12-05 13:46 aarpon * [r1121] inc/FileBrowser.inc.php, inc/Fileserver.inc.php: Fixed problem (with a workaround) with selected files being forgotten when going to the file manager and back. 2011-12-05 14:03 aarpon * [r1122] select_parameter_settings.php: Removed obsolete check (pre-HRM 1.1) in select_parameter_settings.php that would make sure that all parameters are present in case a measured psf is chosen: indeed at that time, nothing had to be defined in case of measured psfs. This check would require checking the confidence level of parameters, but it would be redundant since this check is already performed when the parameter set is created. 2011-12-05 14:28 aarpon * [r1123] microscope_parameter.php, task_parameter.php: Fixed misbehavior with radio buttons. 2011-12-05 14:29 aarpon * [r1124] inc/Parameter.inc.php: Fixed formatting glitch. 2011-12-05 15:23 aarpon * [r1125] inc/System.inc.php, system.php: Added static method to get the max execution time from php.ini to the System class. 2011-12-05 16:52 aarpon * [r1126] inc/SettingEditor.inc.php, select_parameter_settings.php, select_task_settings.php: Added possibility to reset the choice of the default parameter set. 2011-12-06 10:42 aarpon * [r1128] inc/QueueManager.inc.php: Minor modifications in the success email text.